Family Outing Ideas for Creative Fun and Adventure

Published June 29, 2018
Happy family outing

Make new memories together on family outings, or day trips, that can last a couple hours or the entire day. Look for opportunities to see new places and try new things so everyone stays engaged.

Creative Ways to Choose a Location

If you're adventurous and want to visit a mystery location, try out these fun and easy methods for picking a destination for your next road trip.

Coin Flip Day Trip

Take turns flipping a coin to make all your decisions for the day, like which way to pull out of your driveway and whether to stop at the next restaurant.

Point and Go Trip

Get a map of your area and outline a section that includes about a two-hour radius from your town, or however long you're willing to travel. Determine who gets to pick the place and let them point at the map section, without looking, to choose your destination. Use the same method with local business directories to find spots to eat or menus to choose meals.

Family on a road trip

Travel Guide Twenty Questions

Find a regional travel guide at local gas stations or town offices and open to the index. Each family member asks one question, like "Does it include water." After each question, go through the index and cross out anything that isn't likely to have that descriptor, like water. After twenty questions, pick from one of the destinations left.

The Road Less Travelled

Since you've probably done the typical activities nearby, look for opportunities to watch or learn uncommon skills.

  • Find an unusual sports venue like a Disc Golf course, Kickball field, or Shuffleboard court and play.
  • Look for an uncommon sports team to cheer on, such as Roller Derby or Cornhole team.
  • See if your family has the smarts to break free from an Escape Room by visiting a company that hosts them.
  • Visit a fish hatchery or other unique animal habitat.

DIY Family Outing Games

Make your own fun by turning any outing into a family competition.

Transportation Challenge

Choose one form of transportation, like the local train, to start. Determine how many stops to ride before getting off. See how many different types of transportation you can use in one day.

Farmer's Market Challenge

Head to local farmer's markets in different towns and see if you can come up with all the ingredients you need for a picnic lunch or to take home and make dinner.

Mom And Daughter At Market

Playground Obstacle Course

Walk or drive to the nearest playground and set an obstacle course order using different equipment. Each family member can take a turn to see who's fastest.

Put on a Show

Head to a local park where each family member chooses a talent to showcase in your family show. Put a hat or container out during each performance to see who can earn the most tips. Pool your tip money and spring for a tasty family treat.

Out-of-Town Fun

Even a trip to the next town can be full of new adventures and fun hidden locations. Stay close to home or head hours away to discover things you didn't know where right in your back yard.

  • Join the painted rocks craze and set off to nearby towns in search of rocks painted and hidden by their residents. Take them back to your town to re-hide.
  • Grab an old family photo album and try to find some regional landmarks or locations pictured. Take new pictures when you find the right spot.
  • Drive around neighborhoods and main streets looking for anything you see with your first or last name on it. Examples include restaurant names or engraved stones in the front garden of a house. Take a picture with your namesakes and turn them into a collage.
  • There's almost always a 5K run/walk happening nearby. Look for a family-friendly one with same-day registration and give it a shot as a group.
    Family runners

Adventure Together

Family outings can be frugal, fun, and spontaneous. Gather your household and choose a new adventure to embark on together. You never know what fun you might find without even trying.

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Family Outing Ideas for Creative Fun and Adventure